Category Archives: Success Stories

24X6.14kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Netherlands

Time: November, 2024Project Location: Drenthe, NetherlandsSystem Components: Project description:This campsite in the Drenther province of

6X11.7kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Romania

Time: September,2024Project location: Cluj,RomaniaSystem Components: Project description:This is what happens when the client gives our

4X15kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Germany

Time:Augest,2024Project location:Grafschaft-Vettelhoven,GermanySystem Components: Project description:The German Customer finished the DIY job. As an electrical engineer,

3X14.3kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Greece

Time:July,2024Project location:Athens,GreeceSystem Components: Project description:The 42.9kWh system, consisting of Deye inverters, BASENGREEN wall-mounted batteries, and

4*14.3kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Bulgaria

Time: January,2024Project Location: BulgariaSystem Components: Project description:Growatt inverter with 40 kWh BASENGREEN battery for appliance

6X14.3kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Denmark

Time: November,2023Project Location: Herning, DenmarkSystem Components: Project description:After thorough research, our customer installed the Intelligent

8X5kWh BASENGREEN Battery-Netherlands

Time: November,2023Project Location: NetherlandSystem Components: Project description:Victron inverter with 40 kWh BASENGREEN battery for peak

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